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DCHC Minutes 5-26-2005

Thursday, May 26, 2005 Meeting
West Tisbury Public Safety Building

Terry Appenzellar, filling in for Chair Cynthia Mitchell, called the meeting to order at 7:39 a.m. A quorum was not present, but the meeting proceeded for discussion purposes. (Later, there was a quorum.)

With the consent of those present, the next meeting was set for June 23. The Coordinating Committee will not meet in August.

For informational purposes, Sarah Kuh distributed copies of a chart showing that Dukes County women, ages 60 to 67, have a lower mammography rate than the same age group statewide. The chart was accompanied by a letter from Youna Doss of Mass Peer Review Organization (MassPRO).

Chris Knowles made a motion, seconded by Cindy Doyle, to approve the minutes of the Sept. 23 meeting. The vote was unanimous in favor, except for automatic abstentions by those who were absent. On a motion by Cindy Doyle, seconded by Patsy McCornack, the Oct. 28 minutes were similarly approved.

Tad reiterated what he had reported previously – that he had authorized, with the Coordinating Committee’s formal approval, the transfer of grant fund balances to other on-Island fiscal agents responsible for administering corresponding funds, given the higher-than-expected overhead costs charged by the County. Cindy Mitchell inquired about the cause of the delay in transferring the funds. Tad said the County is requiring the explicit approval of the fund donors -- not just the agencies -- to transfer the money. Tad then explained that this requirement can be expected to require the County to return to the donors, not only the funds charged for overhead, but also those spent on program expenses.  Paddy Moore suggested speaking directly to County Commissioners about the situation. Tad said perhaps it would be best to speak first to Commissioner Robert Sawyer, who is a Health Council member and the Associate Commissioner for Funding.

There was no formal Treasurer’s report requiring a vote of approval.

Cathy Brennan, who chairs the Nominating Committee, gave a progress report. She said almost all of the Council members whose terms expire at the end of the year are seeking re-appointment. Cathy said the Council might need to replace Mike Dutton, who is considering stepping down. Dutton, an Oak Bluffs Selectman, would need to be replaced with another Selectman, Cathy said.

Cathleen McElligott made a presentation and distributed a handout describing the state Office of Rural Health. For her benefit, the Council members present introduced themselves. Cathleen lauded the health-care collaborations under way on the Island, particularly the recent application for a network development grant. After her presentation, the speaker fielded questions about a variety of subjects. This gave rise to a conversation about the need for more activities for Island young people. Jane Cleare said she is particularly concerned about high-risk behavior, including sexual activity, among girls. Cathleen said a YMCA would be a big help. Sarah Kuh said the schools might be able to do more.

Addressing another rural health matter, Jacque Cage spoke about the difficulty of obtaining funding for transportation for the elderly.

Tad distributed a chart that reflected Council members’ recent ranking of proposed objectives. Jane Cleare noted that objectives which received a low ranking were not necessarily regarded as unimportant; they might have been more or less accomplished. Tad said the objectives for 2005 remain a work in progress.

Cindy Mitchell moved, seconded by Jacque Cage, to accept the objectives as a working document.  The vote was unanimous in favor.

On another subject, Tad expressed  the need to prepare for upcoming county budget deliberations. He urged the various committees to take the initiative and come up with preliminary budget figures – even though he has not yet received specific guidance from the County administration.

Tad said he plans to step down as Chairman at the end of the year, but intends to remain a Council member. Tad also chairs the Coordinating Committee.  He said he will work actively with the Coordinating Committee to ensure the smoothest possible leadership succession.

Cindy Mitchell gave a report on the Island Health Plan. She said the health-insurance plan hopefully will start up in the first quarter of 2005. The chief obstacle is a federal waiver that is being required. She said she will soon start meeting with small employers to explain the plan.

The Rural Health Clinic is functioning well, Cindy said. The clinic has obtained flu vaccine, which it is administering on a priority-need basis. She said the clinic is receiving excellent support from Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. Cindy also credited the Vineyard Health Care Access Program, which she described as the clinic’s “underpinning.” VHCAP is led by Sarah Kuh.

Jacque Cage, convener of the Elder Affairs Committee, showed the “Pocket Guide for Professionals” and “Care Giver’s Home Journal” produced by the committee. Council members praised Jacque for a job well done.

Cindy Mitchell spoke about the Lighthouse Health Access Alliance, which she said has brought $7 million in health-care funds into the area. Cindy, who serves on the Lighthouse Steering Committee, said another Health Council member needs to join her on that committee.

The meeting adjourned without a formal vote at 9:38 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Brian S. Kinal